Directed by: Majdi El-Omari
Distribution: Atewenaron David Dearhouse, Meissoon Azzaria, Iohahiio Curotte
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 1h45
Viewers Rating: 3.5/5
After the political crisis in Kanesatake, Arihote and his wife parted ways. While trying to help his son who has committed a misdemeanor, Arihote happens upon the revenge killing of a neighbor by Wedad, a Palestinian refugee. Loath to get involved in a police investigation, Arihote finds himself helping Wedad to leave the crime scene. Arihote finally begins to rebuild his relationship with his son, and to focus on resolving his feelings about both his wife’s departure and his father’s suicide. The chance encounter between Arihote and Wedad sets each of them on a new course.