Pour que plus jamais / Never Again (version originale sous-titres anglais)

Directed by: Marie Ange Barbancourt


Distribution: Marie-Ange Barbancourt Céline France Natacha Noël Jacquy Bidjeck Alain Gauthier Pascal Darilus


Genre: Drama

Runtime: 1h27

Quality: Digital


Viewers Rating: 1/5


Montreal January 2010, Mia Lagroue a well known Quebec actress is advised of her mother's murder in Haiti. Devastated, Mia immediately files to have a previous ruling in her native land regarding the family estate anulled. A few hours later Mia leaves her partner Pierre Garneau to land in Haïti for her mother's funeral. The court hearings result in an arm wrestle with the authorities and a violent confrontation with her sister Anna who has joined with the illegitimate heirs. Accused of drug dealing and emprisonned she is submitted to the worst abuses by their henchmen. With the help of her adoptive sister who pays off the jailors, Mia is released and now has no choice but to flee the country. Revolted she destroys the industrial infrastructures of the family business now owned by the illegitimate heirs adding to her troubles. With killers now hunting her down will Mia get away?

Release Date:

May 16, 2014


Trailers :